l'esilarante dizionario

di Dennis

Accidenti a te e chi t’a caato! Bloody hell!
Acciuccignato! Something in not so good situation !
Becchiti vesto! Thake this! (in a chalange)
Bella sì, me ne giova… I’m happy for you… (sarcastic)
Bevetti a garganella! I drunk very fastly!
Boni i viareggini Refered to the love of
C’è grimo There is a huge mass
C’hai il caaron? Are you ill?(referred to gut problems)
Che bel fegurin You look pretty
Che ore enno? What time is it?
che tu sei! beautiful, my dear!
Chetiti! Shut the fuck up!
Chevvoi? What’s the matter?
Come tu sei lavativo! It is incredibile to believe how you are annoying!
Comechedè? How is goin’ your life?
Diè? What?
Doveched’è? Where is?
È fori a ciccà He is smoking outdoor
É ghiozzo come He is rude like an
E’ cicco vel roton lì! That wheel is huge!
E’ liggero sodo! It is so much light!
E’ na donnaccia! She is a whore!
E’ nò scemo per le vie! He is a stupid!
Eammé? I don’t care at all
Ecchimi I’m comin’
Ehìpappà! No way!
Ehò, unnò sapevi tu! Obviously!
Eppò… And then...
Eri anco brutto sodo You were even very ugly
Erimo We were
Fai ammodin... Be careful...
Fero Iron
Ganzo! Cool!
Giubbata di stiaffi A huge number of smacks
Hai la chiocca tallita! Poor,you are so jerk!
i caramba... police
I sui chi en? Who are his/her parents?(generally refered to family)
Icchè vorebbe dì? What’s the meaning of this?
Icchedè vello lì? What is that?
In dù eri ito a finì? Where did you go?
In dù eri? Where were you?
In dù si và? Where we are gonna go?
Incignelo! Start it!(generally refered to food)
Io can! Damn!
Istamane This morning
L’hai avuto cicco il culo! What a lucky thing!
Lellì That woman
Lorolì stan ben! Those people are rich!
Lullì That guy
Ma ti levi di ‘ulo! Please, go away…
Maledetto stupido!! Damned stupid!
Man fermato I have been stopped by
Marteddì Tuesday
Mettiti a sedè Sit down,please
Mi fai aoncà! You make me throw up!
ne inviti uno ne venghin dieci! inhabitants of Viareggio forcadge!
Nel grugno On the face
Nello scepalon Into brushwood
Novvepò! Not at all!
O mae! Oh my Lord!
Oé! Hi!
Oh bì! Hi boy!
Oimmè! What a mess!
Ommiè! Oh my God!
Ora siam al posto! Now we are in trouble!
Ora ti portin al Tabaracci They will take you to the hospital
Pare un buzzo di Oniglio She seems like a rabbitstomach!
Pareva insin quello che la fece sull’uscio e po’ la rivoleva! He seems like that guy that made it on the door and then requested it back!
Pareva insin... It seems like...
Pari Filiberto You seems Filiberto
Peora Sheep
Perdie! For God sake!
Pitoccon! Big greenhead!
Potta miè! Wow!
Preposto Priest
Sà a dì d’indà? Don’t you think it’s time to go?
Salutimi tu pà... Bring my regards to your father
Sarà meglio istudià! Maybe is not a bad idea start studying!
Scaarito Something or someone not very elegant/beautiful
Scepe/Scepaie Bushes
Scusimi un pò... Wait a minute...
Se lo becco lo gonfio! I hope to kick hisass!
Sei al bare? Are you at the bar?
Sei ghiozzo come un di camaiorche... inhabitant of Camaiore…
Sei iscemo sodo! You are so much stupid!
Sei isveglio? Are you up?
Sei ito di orpo? Did you go to the bathroom?
Sei lercoso! You are very dirty!
Son a desinà... I’m having dinner...
Son inciampolato I stumbled to the ground
Son ito in bonifia... I’m in a wild part of Massarosa
Son ito per le tere! I felt down!
Ste mele en tutte maolate! These apples are not very fresh!
Ti sei rimpellicciato? Your financial situation is better now?
Un ho mia voglia... I do not want to do this...
Un mi riordo mia I don’t remember
Vaggo laggiù... I’m going there...
Vernedì Friday
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